Avalanche Canada Bulletin Widget

The Avalanche Canada Widget has been developed to connect website visitors and digital signage viewers with the current avalanche forecast. Website developers copy the widget code by region and embed the html code on their website. The widget updates hourly offering real time avalanche conditions by region and links to Avalanche Canada’s bulletins. The digital signage widget is an MRSS feed that most services support.

Avalanche Canada welcomes version II of this application. “The widget has provided a great entry point to our bulletins, which is our most important tool for helping people manage avalanche risk in the backcountry. Version II improves the communication.”

Here are some examples of websites currently displaying the widget:
• backcountryskiingcanada.com
• wayneflannavalancheblog.com
• fernie.com
• skitheworld.com
• ferniesnowmobile.com

Avalanche Canada map

To generate the html code (iframe) for your website, set your location (seen above) as the default view and click GO. Use the code generator as follows:

Email deep@powdercanada.com for questions or to request digital signage MRSS link for your region.

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