
The path of progression is paved with acts of defiance. Leanne Pelosi, Jake Blauvelt, and Victor de Le Rue take the stage in British Columbia in a showcase of shred.

When you put three of the world’s leading freeride snowboarders together in the Coast Range of British Columbia with epic conditions, the result is guaranteed to be something special.

As you’d expect, the riding by all three snowboarders is impressive as they take a progressive and sometimes radical approach in the feature-laden terrain and Defiance will have you engrossed from the first frame. The mountains are big and steep, and the film doesn’t hold back in showing just how dangerous big mountain riding can be.

“Oh, we’re gonna have a hellava time,” Victor de Le Rue says at the start of the film. It turns out that was a bit of an understatement and the world champ is reminded that regardless of how good a rider you are, the mountain still calls the tune.

Whether you are a snowboarder or a skier, Defiance is a film you’ll enjoy.

Sherpas Cinema produces another high-quality film that is one the standouts of this season’s ski and snowboard films.

Directed by: Gabe Langlois & Dave Mossop

Cinematography – Gabe Lanlois, Eric Grossland & Jeremy Grant
