How to Go Heli-skiing Free

Most people haven’t seen a magazine ad for Crescent Spur; they don’t turn on the radio to hear a jingle about heliskiing here; and, it sort of goes without saying, that they aren’t thinking about running a heliboarding commercial during next year’s Super Bowl.

You see, they’ve never really had to do much to promote our heli-skiing vacations. They started small, impressed a few people, and they brought their friends. It may sound a little overzealous, but every year, they’ve worked to perfect the heli-skiing experience. As a result, most of their guests come back year after year.

The one downside about obsessing over their guests, is that they spent less time telling new people about what they do. This seems evidenced by how many of our guests have told them that they’re, “the best kept secret in heliskiing.” As flattering as it is to hear that sort of thing, they’re ready to let the cat out of the bag.


At the same time, they still feel word-of-mouth references are the very best. So, they’re going to invite one of you up there, for a free week of heli-skiing. That’s right, just visit the Crescent Spur Facebook Page, click the Like button, and enter yourself in the giveaway. From there, you’ll have a chance to win six days/seven nights at Crescent Spur, which includes skiing, accommodation (based on double occupancy), meals, and the use of specialized powder skis and poles.

They figure you’ll love it so much, you will soon be their own walking, talking ad campaign. The contest closes January 31st, 2011!
